Reading materials for Science subjects
Reading materials for Science subjects
Resources for all science subjects:
- Physics
- Teacher Tech:
This website teaches students about Newton's three laws of motion
- the Physics Classroom:
This website gives detailed explanations about specific physics topics
- Sparknotes:
This site gives information about different topics under the branch of physics, from dynamics, work, linear momentum, to oscillations.
- Biology
- Kids Biology:
This website might be for kids, but it gives simple explanations for topics in biology
- Biology Course:
This website has simple explanations for biology topics. Just note that some links don't work.
- Sparknotes:
This site gives information about different topics under the branch of biology, from cell structure, respiration, evolution, to molecular biology.
- Chemistry
- Elements of the Periodic Table:
This site gives information about different topics under the branch of chemistry, from bonding, stoichiometry, to acid and bases.
- Purdue:
This site helps students review chemistry topics.
- The Chem Team:
This site gives step-by-step explanations as well as practice problems for the chemistry topics that involve math.
- Sparknotes:
This site gives information about each elements in the periodic table.
- Dummies:
This site gives simplified explanations to chemistry topics.